LocalSolo is a curated talent network of almost 28,000 member freelancers and over 9,000 employers and recruiters worldwide. Conceived as an antidote to low skilled offshore freelance platforms, LocalSolo provides a convenient destination for highly skilled local freelancers desired by companies looking for top tier onshore contract talent.
LocalSolo was founded, launched, scaled and sold by one of the founders of Action Digital. We bring this successful startup experience to every client project we undertake, and help customers utilize the processes, tools and approaches needed to launch a startup within their own product development efforts.
LocalSolo is a complete cloud-based digital talent management and sourcing platform. The platform has four main components; the public marketing site, the freelancer area allowing users to create and manage their own profiles and portfolios, the employer area featuring e-commerce procurement tools, and a comprehensive administration backend that allowed the LocalSolo staff to operate the platform on a day to day basis.